Full Day Cape Town Walk to Freedom
Cape Town, South Africa

Explore one of the most cosmopolitan and beautiful cities in the world on this Full Day Cape Town Walk to Freedom.
  • Duration: 9.5 hours
  • Entrance included: District Six Museum, Bo-Kaap Museum and Robben Island
  • Meals included: None

What you can expect from this Cape Town day tour

'No easy road to freedom' was a central theme in most of the Mass Democratic Movement's campaigns, from the early days through to the late 1980s. Any understanding of present day conditions in South Africa is greatly enhanced by looking at past injustice, the legacy of the struggle and the promise of reconstruction and development initiatives under way at present.

This Cape Town day tour offers a wealth of insight into South Africa's history. It includes a brief educational introduction to Cape Town, one of the world's most varied and popular cities.

The Bo-Kaap

A look at the picturesque 'Malay Quarter', a living cultural museum and home to the oldest mosque in the Southern Hemisphere. You will discover the unique culture, lifestyle and personality of the Cape Muslim community and their contribution to South Africa's development on this Cape Town day tour.

Slave Lodge

You will head east into the central business district of the city precinct and stop at the Slave Lodge. Under the umbrella theme, ‘From human wrongs to human rights, exhibitions on the lower level of this museum explore the long history of slavery in South Africa. Through the changing, temporary exhibitions the museum address issues around and raise awareness of human rights.

District Six

As a result of the Group Areas Act, 60 000 Capetonian families were forcibly removed from this once vibrant area between 1966 and 1982. The District Six issue remains crucial. You will examine the now desolate area, Zonnebloem, which was District Six and visit the living museum which attempts to represent and recapture District Six in various ways - as a finespun tapestry of communal life torn apart but not forgotten.

V&A Waterfront

At 12h30 the tour arrives at the The V&A Waterfront which offers a great variety of food, and take-aways may be bought on the ferry to Robben Island. The ferry departs at from the Clock Tower Terminal, V&A Waterfront.

Robben Island

Formerly a political prison and leper colony, before that, this historic landmark was recently established as a museum and national monument. On this leg of your Cape Town day tour you will experience the conditions of incarceration - view Nelson Mandela's maximum-security prison cell (Cell 5) and see the lime quarries. In the one, hard labour was served, in the other prisoners discussed strategy, freedom and the future. Later, may would develop eye problems as a result of the sun's reflection off the lime surfaces. This well-preserved landmark is a monument to the triumph of freedom, dignity and determination over humiliation and oppression.On Robben Island, visitors' movements are restricted by regulation to the bus and the group's guide. Tour of the island are conducted in large buses. On return to the V&A Waterfront you will be escorted back to your hotel, where your Cape Town day tour will come to an end.
Cape Town Hotel Accommodation